Elevate Champion Program
The Elevate International Champion Program is dedicated to elevating more women into senior leadership positions through executive mentoring and sponsoring.
Despite the gains women have made in the workforce, they remain under-represented in some fields, and they are also less likely than men to hold positions in senior management and on corporate boards.
Despite the gains women have made in the workforce, they remain under-represented in some fields, and they are also less likely than men to hold positions in senior management and on corporate boards.
The Elevate Champion Program connects senior executives (Elevate Champions) and women in leadership (Elevate Leaders) for executive mentorship and sponsorship in order to help more women reach the highest level of achievement in leadership.
“An effective way to support a woman’s career development.”
— Status of Women Canada
An invitation to participate
Upon confirming your interest in contributing as an Elevate Champion or participating as an Elevate Leader, a guide outlining the detailed information and requirements for this program will be provided to both the Elevate Champion and Elevate Leader.
Duration of the Program
The first Cohort of the Elevate International Champion Program commences on March 8, 2024 and ends on March 8, 2025.
At the end of the program, there is a closing event. We will seek your feedback on how we can make the Elevate International Champion Program even better in the future.
Key Leadership Areas of Focus
The program is intended to offer mentoring that focuses on several leadership competencies. The following are examples:
Creating a vision and setting priorities
Effective networking and personal branding
Strategic planning
Leading and mobilizing people
Building and managing partnerships
Setting performance objectives and measuring results
Innovation and Change management
Benefits of the Program
Benefits for Elevate Champions:
Complimentary one-year membership to Elevate International
Contribute to the advancement of gender diversity in leadership
Complimentary registration for Elevate International Women’s Day event on Parliament Hill
Complimentary registration for ALL of Elevate International professional development events for the rest of 2024
In-person networking sessions with senior executives
Complimentary professional headshots to use for personal branding online
Benefits for Elevate Leaders:
Participate in this program, which is valued at $500, at no cost
Receive an initial assessment of leadership competencies, which will provide great insights
There is a potential to complete at least one leadership workshop
Receive senior executive mentorship to accelerate your professional advancement
Enhance your executive leadership skills & help mentor the next generation
Develop your executive leadership skills
Receive complimentary registration for Elevate International Women's Day event on Parliament Hill
In-person networking session with senior executives
Benefits to Individuals and Organizations (that support the implementation of the program through sponsorships):
Complimentary membership - valued at $379
Support the participation of at least one woman in the program
Be invited to a closing event with all program participants
Receive an Elevate pin
Be recognized as a supporter by receiving a mention on Elevate social media as well as named as a supporter in the program's annual report
Receive marketing opportunity by having your logo on Elevate website for the duration of the program
Eligibility for the Program
Elevate Champions
To be selected as an Elevate Champion, you must:
Be at a senior executive level and or executive leadership
Be available to attend International Women’s Day and meet regularly virtually or in person with your Elevate Leader during the period covered by the program
Elevate Leaders
To be selected as an Elevate Leader, you must:
Be a woman in leadership with the desire to advance to a senior leadership role
Have a solid plan to advance to a leadership role within the next 3 years, and
Be available to attend International Women’s Day and meet regularly virtually or in person with your Elevate Leader during the period covered by the program
Matching of Elevate Champions with Elevate Leaders
All applications will be reviewed by a committee. Matching will be determined based on the alignment of interests of the Elevate Leader applicant and the competencies of the applicants to be Elevate Champions. Elevate Champions may not request a specific Elevate Leader or vice versa.
If you have any questions about the program or about your application please contact us by sending an e-mail to contact@elevateinternational.ca
Thank you for your interest in the Elevate International Champion Program!