Entre-Nous events are part of the Elevate Women initiative dedicated to advancing women’s leadership and economic empowerment. We are proud to continue this partnership with Elevate International and The Foundation (WCPD).
Traditionally held at the historic Rideau Club, with its spectacular view of Parliament as our backdrop, these events are intended to spark conversations and connections that empower women to be leaders of change. Join us as we unite the women, men and gender diverse people making advancing diversity, inclusions and belonging in leadership.
Our Sponsors, Co-Hosts and Venue
Elevate International is an organization dedicated to inspire, empower, and elevate women and girls locally and globally. We are committed to advance women’s leadership and economic growth while creating leadership and mentoring programs for the next generation of women in leadership. Our mission is to united inclusive leaders from all sectors to further advance gender diversity in leadership. As a result, we build thriving communities: socially, economically and politically. Throughout the year we host Entre-Nous events to create conversations that promote inclusive leadership and empower women to be leaders of change in their communities.
The Foundation (WCPD) is an Ottawa-based philanthropic tax planning advisory firm that helps individuals and foundations increase the size and impact of their charitable donations. Since 2006, this philanthropic tax structure has led to charitable donations north of $150M by our clients. We believe that you and your charity deserve the highest returns possible.
The Rideau Club is a respected meeting place in the National Capital where leading men and women from business, government and other segments of the community come together, in a welcoming atmosphere to further their shared interests. It cherishes its traditions while adapting to necessary change. The Club provides, at affordable cost, attractive and responsive facilities with excellent cuisine and service in a place where Members feel at home and which they are proud to share with their family, friends and associates. It provides practical benefit to Members in their social and business relationships.