Mojdeh Cox
Mojdeh Cox is an impact and results oriented community builder and leader.
Her dynamic 10+ years of experience working in co-visioning, co-designing and executing political and issue-based advocacy campaigns, and her social policy work equipped her with the analysis and practices needed in community-based leadership roles designed to bring people together.
Mojdeh believes that a supportive, inspiring workplace culture where there are shared values and goals is how cross-functional teams in complex systems thrive.
With sound analytical skills paired with acute foresight to lead efforts in crisis prevention and management, Mojdeh has been instrumental in raising the profiles of municipal, provincial and federal political and advocacy campaigns and building community along the way.
At a time when government, businesses and organizations look to contribute to the dismantling of systemic barriers, Mojdeh brings forward expertise in labour relations, human rights, and equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging. For over a decade, Mojdeh has coached organizational and community leaders, businesses and not-for-profit organizations on re-imagining their work through a heightened equity lens rooted in social justice.
Mojdeh Cox knows how to bring people together to have challenging conversations around complex issues and develop an action plan. Her compelling and yet relatable communication style is well sought after. Mojdeh speaks, writes and provides media commentary on local, national and international issues. Most recently, her thought leadership on radical accountability has been nationally recognized in her tenure as President and CEO of Pillar Nonprofit Network.